Thursday, May 17, 2012


Camilla took her first spoonfuls of rice cereal a couple of days ago. 

When I told Ryan I was going to post this on our blog he said, "ok, but don't put it on Facebook because I don't want people judging us!".  At first I thought it was so silly that he would say that, but I guess people do have some strong opinions about baby's first solids.  One nurse at my work swore up and down that she put a little rice cereal in her baby's bottles from the day she brought them home from the hospital.  Another friend at church who has a baby just a little bit older than Camilla started a couple of months ago with solids.  Many people I know don't start solids until their babies are well past 6 months.  There's really just so much conflicting advice.

Thankfully I have a very wise sister who sent me this link which I found very helpful:

Oh Dr. Sears, you are so smart!  After taking in all the facts, Ryan and I decided that Camilla was ready.   It's only been 3 days of solids (1 teaspoon of rice cereal heavily diluted with breast milk).  It's amazing how long it takes Camilla to eat just one tiny little teaspoon, but we are all really enjoying the process.  Ryan enjoys feeding Camilla and getting to help out.  Camilla loves to sit at the table with us and so far has been an enthusiastic eater.  I enjoy letting Ryan take over and more importantly I love watching Ryan and Camilla's interactions with each other. 

What were your babies favorite solids?  Any tips on making your own baby food?


At May 18, 2012 at 2:46 PM , Blogger Shiree and Spencer Mullen said...

Brandon loved and still loves sweet potatoes. This kid just can't get enough of them! We started Brandon on solids at 4 months, but that's only because he could sit up by himself at that point and he just kept on wanting to nurse all day long! It sounds like she is absolutely loving it though! My friend Cortney just posted some easy and fun ways to make baby food. Here is her blog I honestly have never really tried doing it myself. Happy feeding! :)

At May 18, 2012 at 2:49 PM , Blogger Shiree and Spencer Mullen said...

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At May 18, 2012 at 2:54 PM , Blogger Shiree and Spencer Mullen said...

P.S. One of Brandon's most favorite things to do is look at pictures of Camilla...but I mean, who wouldn't? She is absolutely adorable!


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