Sunday, May 27, 2012

What's New

This is what's new in Camilla-land.  Maybe she should audition for the band Kiss?

Other new Camilla items include rolling from front to back.  That really started on Mother's Day weekend but it's really picked up in the past couple of days.  She's a baby on a mission, Pippi's toys are in peril! 

Pippi has been getting lectured for months about leaving Camilla's stuff alone.  This is what the dog thinks her name is "No Pip, that is not your toy!"  It must be confusing for her; Camilla's toys do look a lot like something the dog would love to play with.  Pippi has some healthy competition now that Camilla is more mobile.  When Camilla gets bored of her own toys, she makes a bee line for the dog's.  We even caught her heading towards Pippi's food dishes today.  Oh boy, so gross.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Camilla took her first spoonfuls of rice cereal a couple of days ago. 

When I told Ryan I was going to post this on our blog he said, "ok, but don't put it on Facebook because I don't want people judging us!".  At first I thought it was so silly that he would say that, but I guess people do have some strong opinions about baby's first solids.  One nurse at my work swore up and down that she put a little rice cereal in her baby's bottles from the day she brought them home from the hospital.  Another friend at church who has a baby just a little bit older than Camilla started a couple of months ago with solids.  Many people I know don't start solids until their babies are well past 6 months.  There's really just so much conflicting advice.

Thankfully I have a very wise sister who sent me this link which I found very helpful:

Oh Dr. Sears, you are so smart!  After taking in all the facts, Ryan and I decided that Camilla was ready.   It's only been 3 days of solids (1 teaspoon of rice cereal heavily diluted with breast milk).  It's amazing how long it takes Camilla to eat just one tiny little teaspoon, but we are all really enjoying the process.  Ryan enjoys feeding Camilla and getting to help out.  Camilla loves to sit at the table with us and so far has been an enthusiastic eater.  I enjoy letting Ryan take over and more importantly I love watching Ryan and Camilla's interactions with each other. 

What were your babies favorite solids?  Any tips on making your own baby food?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day

Last year for Mother's Day Ryan took me out to Elspeth's grave site, I was only a few weeks pregnant with Camilla at that point and losing Elsepth was still pretty fresh.  2 years ago Mother's Day was only a few days after I had found out about Elspeth's diagnosis and it was just agonizing.  This year Mother's Day feels a little different.  I still miss Elspeth terribly but Camilla has filled our lives with joy, she has helped heal our hearts. 

Camilla bought me the best Mother's Day gift ever!  I have wanted a new camera for quite some time.  My previous camera was used and abused and desperately needed replaced.  Get ready for some great photos to be posted on this blog space.

Oh, and Camilla is now 5 months old!

Happy Mother's Day to me! 

Kansas City Temple

The middle of April started the Kansas City Temple open house.  Ryan, Camilla and I toured the temple on a Wednesday afternoon.  It was such a happy day for our family to see the beautiful temple. 

Everything is beautiful about the Temple...the building, the grounds, and the way we feel when we visit.  The dedication last Sunday was equally as amazing.  We felt to blessed to have President Monson here in Kansas City to share that special day with us all.